Non ci sono ancora resoconti ufficiali della serata. Solo lunghe liste di risultati senza commenti. Questo è quanto si legge in uno dei tanti forum della rete:
"Next bout: Rafael "Capoeira" (Gracie Barra Combat Team) Vs. Michele Verginelli (freelance)
PS:The Italian fighter is a kickboxing world champion..and Pedro Rizzo is the referee!!
The fight starts!!
Some light striking and Capoeira mounts on a half-guard, but Verginelli nulls his ground plan..
The anxious public in Teresopolis starts to boo the fighters then Rizzo asks for action..
The Italian guy inverts the position but the fight continues tight..
Capoeira tries to throw a flying kick but it doesn't work..the Brazilian stays in a guillotine position and decides to bring the fight down..Michele drops with his head outside the ring, Rizzo put the guys on center!!
They're rolling around the floor and finally they stand up..oh god, they are down again!! Now, the Italian watches Capoeira on the ground, some unsuccessful stomps and they hug one more time..the first round ends..Capoeira got more points, since he was wilder than the Italian!!
There are a lot of great fighters on the Gimnasium: Paulo Zorello, Rizzo, Franscisco Filho (K1 star), Minotouro..second round, here we go!! Some air kicks from Capoeira and Michele tries a clinch but the Brazilian teaches him some wrestling and puts him down again!!
Looks like the fighters freeze on the ground..Rizzo put'em up and Capoeira has a cut in the face and a great supplex from Verginelli !! Finally a true move!!
Upper-mount to Michele Verginelli, some slow-motion ground game and the bell sounds..second round is over!!
Third round starts!! Capoeira knocked down Michele!! It seemed that the fight would end but the fight froze again.
One minute and a half to the end and the tight ground fight doesn't seem to end but Rizzo put'em up again..Capoeira now is handling the fight, he knows he has the point advantage..the fight is over!!
The knock down (..a strong punch straight on Verginelli's chin!!) counted too much against Verginelli, unanimous victory for Rafael Capoeira!! After three losses on Meca, Capoeira finally shows some fight.."
A presto per ulteriori (..e ufficiali!!) notizie..
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